The RAY chair has a playful and floating expression which ties in well with the active seating position. The back is refined and light and attached by two arms to the flexible and soft seat. The chair has some nice details and is available in many colours, which together with the humoristic and playful undertones create a beautiful and harmonious chair.
RAY is a new generation of ergonomic school furniture based on a world patented seat principle. The design is based on several years of research and tests of sitting positions of school children. The chair is made in an international collaboration between Danish designer Hans Thyge Raunkjær and Ph.D. student Simon Dennehy, representing one of the world’s most renowned institutions in ergonomic studies NCAD in Dublin.
Sit, Perch
The height-adjustable RAY chair is the result of many years of development and testing. The philosophy of the RAY chair is to sit higher on the chair and with an open seat angle. The RAY chair’s patented seat technology helps the user to sit dynamically and change posture as needed.
The flexible seat allows the user to take a higher upright sitting position with less strain on the legs, which is not possible on conventional chairs.